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  城市花園位於新竹市北區,鄰東西向快速道路及樹林頭觀光夜市(週三、週五)旁 近國道、省道,市區更是咫尺間,都會叢林裡坐擁.唯美.浪漫的主題情境;多款不同的主題值得尊貴的您親自體驗,親切的客房服務,提供出差洽公所適合的商務房,如此全方位的服務豈能錯過。

  為了讓客人能在不同主題房型內找到自己的喜好,特別花費兩年多的時間細心規劃,就連商務房也是以主題風格推出,『一房一主題 天天都可體驗不同風情』堅持給客人最好的釋放空間。


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  CD Motel is located in the north of Hsin-Chu City, near the 68 Expressway, No.1 Highway, Provincial Highway, City Center, and Shu Lin Tou Night Market (Wednesday and Friday). With 31 different room styles, CD Motel lets you escape from the city without being out of the city. Our top service and Business Rooms will provide you the most relaxation while you are on your business trip.

  With two years of careful and thoughtful designing, our Luxury Rooms, and Standard Business Rooms, with 31 different room styles, provide our customers the most amazing experiences when staying with us.

Hotel Registration No. 062













  • 假日【週五】住宿之定義為休假日(國定假日)之前一天統稱為星期五

  • 假日【週六】住宿之定義為休假日(國定假日)之當天統稱為星期六住宿

  • 平日假日休息皆為3小時,特殊假日連假依照本公司規定公告

  • 逾時費用 豪華汽車房250元/300元【依房型】/小時

  • 精緻商務房200元/300元【依房型】/小時​


  • 平日住宿

    • 商務房下午15:00~24:00內入住至(隔日12:00前退房)

    • 汽車房下午18:00~24:00內入住至(隔日12:00前退房)

  • 假日住宿

    • 商務房下午18:00~24:00內入住至(隔日12:00前退房)

    • 汽車房下午20:00~24:00內入住至(隔日12:00前退房)

  • 其他事項
    • 其他時段入住以住滿12小時計算,特殊節日另定。

    • 住房每間2人,增加人數加收清潔費。

    • 本館攜帶寵物入房,加收清潔消毒費500元。




住宿當天逢颱風或地震等天災不可抗拒因素【已本館所在地縣市政府頒布狀況為準則】,可全額退回訂金【須扣除10%手續費 or 保留六個月】。

  • 住宿前10天取消訂房,扣取10%手續費或延期乙次,延期以三個月為限。

  • 住宿日7~9天前取消訂房,退還50%已付訂金。

  • 住宿日4~6天前取消訂房,退還40%已付訂金。

  • 住宿日2~3天前取消訂房,退還30%已付訂金。

  • 住宿日1天前取消訂房,退還20%已付訂金。

  • 在住宿當天取消訂房,則恕不退訂金。


  1. ATM轉帳:代碼005 帳號103-001-014998

  2. 銀行匯款:台灣土地銀行-東新竹分行

      帳號:103-001-014998    戶名:城市花園汽車旅館股份有限公司


  • Friday weekend-reservations include the day before, weekends, and any national holidays.

  • Saturday weekend-reservations include the day of, weekends, and any national holidays.

  • CD Motel reserves the right to adjust the standard three-hour leisure, on weekdays and weekends, during special holidays.

  • Over-staying fees for Luxury Rooms: $250NTD/$300NTD (depending on room types)/hour.

  • Over-staying fees for Standard Business Rooms: $200NTD/$300NTD (depending on room types)/hour.


Check-in times:

  • Weekdays

。Standard Business Rooms: 15:00-24:00 (Check-out at noon)

。Luxury Rooms: 18:00-24:00 (Check-out at noon)

  • Weekends

。Standard Business Rooms: 18:00-24:00 (Check-out at noon)

。Luxury Rooms: 20:00-24:00 (Check-out at noon)

  • Restrictions

。(Guests checking-in during non-check-in times shown above will be restricted to checking-out after twelve-hours upon check-in time, excluding holidays.)

。Double rooms are restricted at two persons of occupancy. Cleaning fees are applied when the number of guests exceed.

。Pets are allowed under a $500NTD cleaning fee.

  • About Reservations

  • A $1,000NTD deposit will be charged on reservations under $3,500NTD. A 30%, of the total amount of room reservations, of deposit will be charged on reservations over $3,500NTD.

  • To complete a reservation, customers are required to transfer the amount of deposit to a specific account provided by CD Motel, or clear off the deposit balance in person at the CD Motel front desk. One of these payment methods, upon finalizing the reservations, should be completed within a day (24 hours) of requesting a room reservation. Customers are suggested to contact CD Motel to confirm any transferring trisections. When deposit is not received within 24 hours, reservations will be cancelled without further notice.

  • Any natural disaster i.e. hurricane, earthquake (posted by the official local city or county council) occur on the check-in date, a full refund (excluding a 10% transaction fee) can be issued, otherwise, the deposit will be valid for six months from the reservation date. 

    • Canceling a reservation ten days before checking-in, customers will be charged with a 10% transaction fee, or a free check-in extension, up to three months from the check-in date.

    • Canceling a reservation seven to nine days before checking-in, 50% of the deposit will be refunded.

    • Canceling a reservation four to six days before checking-in, 40% of the deposit will be refunded.

    • Canceling a reservation two to three days before checking-in, 30% of the deposit will be refunded.

    • Canceling a reservation one days before checking-in, 20% of the deposit will be refunded.

    • Refund cannot be issued when canceling a reservation on the check in date.

  • Payment Method

    • ATM Transfer: Code: 005 Account Number: 103-001-014998

    • Bank: 台灣土地銀行-東新竹分行 (Land Bank of Taiwan, Hsinchu Branch)

    • Account Number: 103-001-014998     Account Name: 城市花園汽車旅館股份有限公司

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